Florida It Pros – Your Trusted IT Provider

Posted 7 years ago

Florida It Pros - Your Trusted IT Provider We have taken our previous career experience with Fortune 500 companies and brought the best IT practices to benefit you and your company. Florida IT Pros provides IT outsourcing and managed services to help businesses manage their day-to-day IT environments without the need to hire their own staff of experts. Assessment Services IT Assessments: Our 1st step is to determine your starting location through a thorough IT assessment. We will help your small to midsize company reach their ultimate destination. Review and document all servers Review and document all hardware and software Assess…Read More

Managed IT Services Gives Your Business Peace of Mind

Posted 7 years ago

Managed IT Services Gives Your Business Peace of Mind What Most Businesses do When Their Technology Breaks Down Technology is amazing, wonderful, time-saving and efficient, but what in the world do you do when it is not working optimally? Most businesses’ first response is to call a technician in to help or take their equipment to a computer repair shop. This route is time-consuming and expensive. (more…)Read More